Staff Profile

Anisha Mendes

Payroll Manager

  • 6
    Years of Experience
  • 800
    Satisfied Clients
  • Location Cardiff
  • Date Joined 2021
  • Team Leadership

What were your first impressions of THOMAS?

On my first day here, I was greeted by HR and offered a cup of coffee. I was welcomed by everyone and even had a welcome note on my desk. I was given a preview of the company and its values. The company was not only ready for me to start, they made sure I understood that I was valued, and welcomed. I knew my confidence in the company was at a high level and it told me I made the right choice to join the company. 

What advice would you give to someone joining the team?

It's a rewarding and supportive company to work for. You are valued and welcomed and get to be a part of an amazing team. 

What are you most looking forward to?

I'm looking forward to developing my skills further and growing in the company. And of course, our next awards!

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